Travel Update: The Deathless Drum

On the way not far from Gayâ the Buddha was met by Upaka, an ascetic who, struck by the serene appearance of the Master, inquired: "Who is your teacher? Whose teaching do you profess?"

The Buddha replied: "I have no teacher, one like me does not exist in all the world, for I am the Peerless Teacher, the Arahat. I alone am Supremely Enlightened. Quenching all defilements, Nibbâna’s calm have I attained. I go to the city of Kâsi (Benares) to set in motion the Wheel of Dhamma. In a world where blindness reigns, I shall beat the Deathless Drum."

"Friend, you then claim you are a universal victor," said Upaka. The Buddha replied: "Those who have attained the cessation of defilements, they are, indeed, victors like me. All evil have I vanquished. Hence I am a victor."

Upaka shook his head, remarking sarcastically, "It may be so, friend," and took a bypath. The Buddha continued his journey, and in gradual stages reached the Deer Park at Isipatana.
Tomorrow morning at 10:00am, I will be heading to Kasi to beat the Deathless Drum! I had planned to spend a few more days in Bodh Gaya, but destiny had other plans. A number of people on the retreat organized a private bus from Bodh Gaya to Sarnath - the modern day home of "Deer Park," where the Buddha gave his first official sermon. Sarnath is the second great stop on any Buddhist pilgrimage.

The same people who put together the Bodh Gaya retreat are hosting a Dharma Gathering in Sarnath for the next ten days, and they will also be making arrangements with the Thai monastery there for some accommodations. So, everything aligned perfectly for me to go with the flow and move on.

I'll be moving back into monastic living conditions, but won't be living in strict silence. I'll also have some time to see the town. I plan to spend about 9 or 10 days in Sarnath, just relaxing a little, meditating and taking my sweet time with life.

So, from Bodh Gaya, I'm signing off.


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